

Welcome back!!!


After having been waiting for 2 years, the government has opened the border to mandarin students. To welcome all of you and thank you for all of your support, we have prepared the special discount.


The spring semester will start on March 28th,2022. If you are interested in studying mandarin in Taiwan, please complete the application before January 15th, 2022. 

特別割引Special Discount:

  • 授業料Tuition fee: 台湾へ出発するまでに、2学期分の授業料がオンラインで支払い完了するなら、第1学期の授業料がNTD22,000元になります。(通常価格NTD28,000)。2学期分の授業料合計NTD50,000です。

With the discount, the tuition fee of the first semester is NTD22,000 (the original price is NTD28,000). To obtain the discount, please complete the online payment for the tuition fees of NTD50,000 of first two semesters. (Notes: The tuition fee of the first semester NTD22,000, The tuition fee of the second semester NTD28,000.)

  • 寮費Dormitory fee: 最初の2学期の寮費は毎学期NTD13,000元です。立地のいい学生寮です。各部屋にバス・トイレ・冷暖房・冷蔵庫が完備されています。

The dormitory fee for the first two semesters is NTD26,000. (NTD 13,000 per semester) It’s an off-campus dormitory with independent bathroom, air conditioner and refrigerator located in a convenient area.

お申し込みの流れHow to register for the course:

1. 下記の必要書類をメールでmscc@mail.mcu.edu.twまで送付してください。

Send the following required documents to our email mscc@mail.mcu.edu.tw(link sends e-mail)

  1. 申込書Application form
  2. パスポートのコピーA copy of passport
  3. 残高証明書(残高が2,000米ドル以上あること) A proof of financial support with the minimum of the balance of USD2,000 

2. 入学通知書をもらいます。

Receive the admission letter

3. オンライン支払います。

Complete the online payment

検疫についてAbout Quarantine:


For the quarantine, it will be implemented following the latest announcements and regulations from the Taiwan’s government.


2021/12/30: 15 nights of quarantine hotel and 7 days for self-management. (Around TWD 32,000-35,000 depends on the quarantine location)

連絡先Contact information:

EメールEmail: mscc@mail.mcu.edu.tw(link sends e-mail)

電話Tel: +886 2 2882 4564 # 8209/8210

フェイスブックFacebook: Ming Chuan MSCC 銘傳大學華語訓練中心

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