1-Are group classes or individual tuition available?
We provide both group and individual(one-on-one) courses.
2-What subjects/courses does MSCC provide?
- Mandarin vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure
- Mandarin conversation and spoken expression
- Introduction to Chinese/Taiwanese culture and social customs
- Mandarin E-learning resources and related supplements
3-What is your entry requirement?
Foreigners who are over 18 years old are qualified.
4-What documents are required for application?
1. Complete Application Form
2. A copy of passport
3. A proof of Financial Support (A minimum of USD$5,000 balance) issuded within the past 3 months or a copy of Scholarship Award Notification
4. An insurance certificate
* Tuition Fee: 3months course (180 teaching hours): NTD 28,000
5-Where should I send my application documents to?
Please send all of your documentations to our MSCC email
6-What level of Chinese is available?
Beginner, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced
7-Are there any exams/ method of assessment?
Yes, depends on actual situation
8-How about teachers' backgrounds?
Most teachers are from Department of Applied Chinese or Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in our University.
9-Which countries do students come from?
To date, from: Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Russia, Thailand, USA, Canada, Germany, Spain, Swiss, Swiden, UK, Gambia, Slovak, Iraq...etc.
10-About Taiwan Scholarship
Foreign students can apply for Taiwan Scholarship from Ministry of Education ROC or Ministry of Foreign Affairs ROC from abroad before arrival.
For more detailed information, please refer to the following websites:
Please obtain your passport and visa from abroad. Those who received an MSCC admission letter should apply for an extendable visitor visa with that letter at any ROC Embassy, Consulate, or Representative Agency in your own country or overseas residence.
For Mandarin students, either extendable visitor visa or student visa may be applied for. Visitor visa can be extended twice, each time from 60 to 90 days for up to 6 months. Only students who study for 4 consecutive months or have over one-year scholarship award may apply for or transfer to a student visa. For more detail about visa or visa extension, please inquire at your nearest ROC Taiwanese embassy or diplomatic mission.
* Please notice that Mandarin students granted a visa due to MSCC admission are prohibited to take any part/full time job during their study period without a working permit.
Students who violate the regulation will be sent back to their own country immediately.
About Visa
Application procedure for visa extension:
Please apply for your visa extension 7 to 10 days before it expires at the nearest National Immigration Agency with the following documents.
Late application may result in a fine and a trip away from Taiwan in order to apply for a new visa.
Required documents:
1. An application form
2. An enrollment certificate or class schedule from an approved language center at the university
3. Attendance record (except the first extension)
4. The original and one photocopy of the passport (the original will be returned after verification.)
Application procedure for an ARC (Alien Resident Certificate):
Students who studied for 4 consecutive months or have over one-year scholarship support may apply or transfer their visitor visa to a resident visa at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taipei and then apply for their ARC (Alien Resident Certificate) at the nearest National Immigration Agency.
1.Time for ARC Application:
New Applicant |
Students need to apply for ARC online or go to immigration office within 15 days counted from the next day of arrival or the next day of receiving resident visa in Taiwan. |
Extension |
延期居留時,須完成註冊手續,檢附學生證或在學證明書辦理延期。 It’s mandatory to apply for an extension "a month before the date of expiry". 逾期(overdue)申請外僑居留證之罰款 註:逾期停留或逾期居留者,主管機關得強制驅逐出國,且可能會被禁止入國。 一般逾期超過30天即需要出境重新辦理居留簽證再入台,請同學務必親自注意自己的居留 證延長期限,以免留下紀錄,影響再次入國。 |
2.Fee: NT$1,000 for 1 year term.
3.Required Documents:
Freshmen & Scholarship student Required Documents for A.R.C: |
1.Completed application form 2.Passport valid for at least 6 months (original and one photocopy) 3.One 4.5 by 3.5 inch head & shoulder photo in color with a white background (taken within the last six months) 4.Original student ID and one photocopy 5.Certificate of enrollment 6.Residence Certificate in Taiwan (Housing contract in Taiwan) 7.Application fee: NT$1,000 (ARC needs to be extended each year.) 8.Other supporting documents may also be requested by the office of National Immigration Agency, Ministry of Interior. For example, official proofs/documents for MOFA scholarship holders or ICDF scholarship recipients. 9.Health check report (including HIV test report) |
ARC ARC extension |
ARC extension |
1. Completed application form 2. Photo with a white background 3. Passport 4. ARC 5. MSCC's document 6. Fee:NTD1,000元 |
1.Completed application form 2. photo with a white background 3. Passport 4. ARC 5. MSCC's document |
4.Receiving Unit
Local immigration service center of your resident address:
National immigration Agency-Taoyuan Service Station/桃園服務站
No.106,Hsien – Fu Rd., Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Time: Monday ~ Friday 08:00~17:00 TEL:03-3310409
National immigration Agency- Taipei Service Station/台北服務站
No.15, Guangzhou St., Jhongjheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Time: Monday ~ Friday 08:00~17:00 TEL:02-2388-9393
1 |
Q |
How do I buy insurance? |
A |
Each MSCC student is required to buy insurance that covers both accident and health while studying in MSCC. Total Fee is NTD$ 2,025/per 3 months. |
2 |
Q |
What does insurance cover? |
A |
It is a group policy covering foreign students' health insurance and accident insurance. |
3 |
Q |
How do I claim insurance reimbursement? |
A |
When you encounter an accident, you need to pay all of the fees first. Then, you need to provide a receipt and diagnosis certificate for reimbursement procedure. |
4 |
Q |
When can I apply for National Health Insurance in Taiwan? |
A |
Students who are already granted resident visas may apply for National Health Insurance after 6 months of staying in Taiwan. The National Health Insurance Program covers partial medical treatment costs for sickness. You are required to pay a part as well. For more information, please check with MSCC office. |
Q1. How to apply to MSCC?
A: Applicants over 18 are eligible to attend MSCC. For applicants who are under 18, please contact us via email mscc@mail.mcu.ed.tw
Q2. What documents should I submit for application?
- A complete Application Form (please sign on second page)
- Two recent one-inch photos
- A proof of Financial Support (A minimum of USD$2,000 balance) issued within the past 3 months or a copy of Scholarship Award Notification
- A copy of Passport
- An insurance certificate (at least 4 months validation after entering Taiwan. Students who don’t have this will be automatically enrolled into a three-month insurance purchased by MSCC. For students who don’t have any insurance in home country, it is required to enroll in and pay for insurance when you arrive in Taiwan. MSCC will assist you in this matter.
※All the documents listed above must be presented in Mandarin or in English.
Q3. What kind of courses are offered in MSCC?
A: Regular group class, 1 on 1 private class, and free cultural courses.
Q4. How much does each type of class cost?
A: 1 on 1 class is NTD 550 per lesson and student has to apply for a minimum of 20 lessons for one session, so the total fee is NTD 11,000. For regular class, tuition fee is NTD 28,000 per quarter (3 months/180 hours)
▲ Starting from March 29th, 2021, the tuition fee will be NTD 12,000 per lesson (600 pr lesson)
Q5. How will I know which level of class I should study in?
A: MSCC will arrange an orientation before each quarter starts. At the orientation, we will administer a placement test and we will put you in the right class!
Q6. What content is covered in Mandarin classes?
A: We cover four language skills including speaking, listening, writing and reading practice. The course will also include Mandarin grammar, Mandarin conversation, and Chinese history.
Q7. What are the costs for each quarter?
A: Please see following chart for details.
Tuition fee: this fee does not include book fee and insurance
3 months course (180 hours): NTD 28,000
1 on 1 class (20 lessons): NTD 11,000
▲ Starting from March 29th, 2021, the tuition fee will be NTD 12,000
Q8. Does MSCC provide other resources for learning Mandarin?
A: MSCC will offer free tutor and tutee program to help you in learning Chinese.
Q9.When can I apply for National Health Insurance?
A: According to National Health Insurance Act, any foreigner staying in Taiwan over six months is obligated to underwrite an insurance policy under NHI.
The applicant must have applied and received resident visa. After holding resident visa for 6 months, applicant is eligible to apply for National Health Insurance
Tuition fee: this fee does not include book fee and insurance
3 months course (180 hours): NTD 28,000
1 on 1 class (20 lessons): NTD 12,000
Accommodation fee
- Taipei campus Off-campus dormitory : NTD 15,000/ per quarter, water and electricty fee are not included.
Other fee
- Textbook Fee: 1 quarter about NTD 500-1,000
- Insurance: NTD 2,025/3 months (include health and accident insurance)
- Cost of living: NTD 12,000-15000 per month
- House rent: Around NTD 6,000-10,000
華語中心學生休、退學時間 |
學費、雜費退費比例 |
備註 |
一、於開班日(含當日)前申請休退學者 |
免繳費,已收費者,學費全額退費 |
二、於上課(開學)日(含當日)之後七天內(一星期內)申請休、退學者 |
學費退還三分之二 |
三、於上課(開學)日(含當日)之後而未逾學期三分之一申請休、退學者 |
學費退還三分之二 |
四、於上課(開學)日(含當日)之後逾學期三分之一,而未逾學期三分之二申請休、退學者 |
學費退還三分之一 |
五、於上課(開學)日(含當日)之後逾學期三分之二申請休、退學者 |
所繳學費不予退還 |
備註: 一、表列開班日、上課(開學)日及學期之計算等,依本校華語中心正式公告之日期認定之。 二、學生申請休學或自動退學者,其休、退學時間應依學生(或家長)向學校受理單位正式提出休、退學申請之日為計算基準日;其屬勒令退學者,退學時間應依學校退學通知送達之日為計算基準日。但因進行退學申復(訴)而繼續留校上課者,以實際離校日為計算基準日。 三、休、退學之學生應於學校規定期限內完成離校手續;其有因可歸責學生之因素而延宕相關程序者,以實際離校日為計算基準日。 |
Group Foreign Students Health Insurance (GFSHI) |
★ Outpatient/Emergency Treatment Benefit: |
While this Policy is effective, if the Insured suffers an illness or injury and receives outpatient or emergency treatment at a hospital/clinic, the company will reimburse all medical expenses incurred (including registration, diagnosis, prescription, medicine, examination or X-ray inspection, etc.). The payment of benefit shall not exceed the limit of NT$1,000 per visit. |
★ Room and Board Benefit: |
While this Policy is still effective, if the Insured suffers an illness or injury and receives treatment at a hospital as an inpatient, the company will reimburse the following expenses incurred: Ward fees of upgraded hospital rooms in excessive of National Health Insurance supplement. Meals, except for fees of tube feeding. Nursing care fees excluding special nurses fees. The payment of benefit shall not exceed the limit of NT$1,000 per day. The maximum days per hospital stay is 365 days. |
★ Hospital Miscellaneous Medical Expenses Benefit: |
While this Policy is still effective, if the Insured suffers an illness or injury and receives treatment at a hospital as an inpatient, the company will reimburse the following expenses incurred.
★ Daily Hospital Indemnity Benefit: |
While this Policy is in effec, if the Insured suffers an illness or injury and receives treatment at a hospital as an inpatient, the company will pay Daily Hospital Indemnity benefit NT$1,000 multiplied by actual days of hospitalization. The maximum days per hospital stay is 365 days. However, if the insured applies for the Daily Hospital Indemnity benefit, she/he cannot apply for Room and Board benefit and Hospital Miscellaneous Medical Expenses benefit for the same hospital stay. |
Q1. Does MSCC provide other resources for learning Mandarin?
A: MSCC will offer free tutor and tutee program to help you in learning Chinese.
Q2. When can I apply for National Health Insurance?
A: According to National Health Insurance Act, any foreigner staying in Taiwan over six months is obligated to underwrite an insurance policy under NHI.
The applicant must have applied and received resident visa. After holding resident visa for 6 months, applicant is eligible to apply for National Health Insurance.